
sorry it's been so long ...

Kylie is finally coming around and starting to feel better. It's been 7 days of this ... yuck! My husband and I are trying not to come down with it too, but I think it may be too late. We are feeling a little under the weather, unfortunately.

Things I got checked off my list today:

- Completed my orders
- Continued laundry
- Made TONS of baby food to replenish our freezer
- Walked to the park and fed Kylie on the bench while watching the kids play (we needed a break from the house)
- Wrapped a present for an upcoming birthday
- Organized some activities for Kylie and I ... and our playgroup (baby swim lessons, CPR class, story time at our public library)

I didn't do too bad. I am sooo tired ... I think we are all hitting bed pretty soon. Stirring up some inspiration for our February design and giveaway! Hope you all aren't too sick ... I think pretty much everyone is sick right now :(