
new design & giveaway ...

Here is the new design and giveaway for January. Very simple ... very sweet. I will be selecting the winner next Friday, so check back then! I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the new year. New memories, new traditions, new inspiration!

What was your favorite gift that you either gave or received this year???


Stephanie said...

My husband and I gave our 3 way to soon to be 4 (march 1st!!) year old son his very first "Big Boy Bike". We gave him his helmet to open a while before he got his bike and he was just thrilled to be able to wear it with is tricycle. That was so fun to see how sweet and thankful a three year old really is. The very last gift we opened that day was his bike. My husband went into our room where it was being kept and rolled it out. My son's face was absolutely priceless! He was so excited! I think my husband and I may have been more excited but he was beaming! Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope you all have a fabulous Year!

*Katie May* said...

I just love giving any gift to our kids they are so happy to open the presents. We didn't have any big gifts this year but they loved them all. I did receive a gift card for a 90 minute massage from my husband. So sweet of him! I can't WAIT! Thanks for having give-aways, LOVE your jewelry :) Happy New Year!

Jan said...

The favorite gift for me this year was to my son (who is 28 years old) -- we put $150 in silver dollars in his stocking. He needs money more than anything but it was a fun way to do it and was such fun to see his eyes light up.

kevin.kellie said...

dakota16My best and favorite gifts were my two sons Joshua and Jacob. We tried for five years to have a baby and Jacob arrived Aug, 7th. Praise the Lord! In God's perfect timing he also blessed us with Joshua and the adoption as final Aug 27th! I know it wasn't a present We opened under the tree but it was the best gift, and I am so blessed to be a mother. 2008 was a great year and I cant wait to see what's in store for 2009.

A Baby Peach said...

I know I already won once, but I just had to participate :) My favorite gift this year was finding out the day after Christmas that I am pregnant! We went through infertility and everything to get here and it was a total surprise that I was actually pregnant this month! Best present ever!

kari.jackson said...

Wow, "Baby Peach" certainly has the best gift :o)
I just wanted to share we got McKenzie (10 mos old) her very first baby doll and her face just LIT UP when she unwrapped it, it was SO cute! She's on her way to bein' a little mama!