
northern california coast ...

So here you go ... here are some pictures from our "road trip" from yesterday! We drove over the Golden Gate, then stopped at Stinson Beach, drove through Marin County on back country roads, then ended at Bodega Bay in Sonoma County. It was a beautiful drive and we really enjoyed the time we got to spend together ... even though it was just driving, and boy was it a.l.o.t of driving! Here they are ...


kari.jackson said...

JUST BEAUTIFUL Cristina! Looks like it was a FUN day! I can't believe how big our baby girls are getting!!! Z just turned 7 mos a few days ago and I just can't understand where the time went :(
We need to get together again soon!
Give me a call or drop me an email when you get a chance ;o)

k said...

Your family is beautiful!

Karri Fraczek