The winner for the "surprise" necklace giveaway is ... Deilia Williams!!!
Deilia, thanks for following me on my blog, Facebook and twitter! You are too sweet. Email me the info you want on the necklace :) I will get it out to you soon!
winner ...
happy friday ...
ever had these kinds of days ...
ready for a surprise? ...
Brian, Kylie and I are happy to share that we are adding another little one to the family! I am pregnant! My due date is April 6th, 2010!!! Our 2 babes might share the same birthday month. I am just now starting to feel better and actually be productive with my days ... It's a great feeling! But please excuse the delay on some of these orders {it has been hard for me to find a time when I feel well enough to do jewelry}. But now that I am starting to feel better, we should be good to go!
home ...
We are back home from a fun {but tiring} weekend camping. My husband and I haven't been camping in a couple years, and have never been camping with a baby. Kylie did wonderful! We had a fun-filled weekend of crying children at 5:30am, long, lingering breakfasts and chatting around the campfire, walks, naps and smores after the kids went to bed. Yum! We're glad to be home ... Clean and well rested after a Sunday afternoon family nap! Come visit me tomorrow for something fun!
pending orders ...
To all my sweet customers who are patiently awaiting the delivery of their orders,
I have about 15 orders that will be going out by Tuesday. I apologize if it has taken longer than my estimated time frame. Thank you so much for being patient. It has been very busy in my neck of the woods, thanks to the overwhelming amount of orders that have been place over the past few weeks!
off and away {again} ...
new designs ...
i'm so excited, i have to share ...
remember this ...
I made a trip to Wal*Mart and bought a small tub for $3.50 and a bag of purple sand for $6 ... There you go! $10 for a little portable sand box. We have had some messy fun already. Kylie likes dumping the sand all over herself. It's pretty cute {and messy} ... That's what being a kid is about, right?
Make your own!
back ...
It only took me 3 days afer company left to recoup and get back into the swing of things {I haven't started back to the Facebook and Twitter yet ... I'm just not ready!}.
Thanks for yor patience on pending orders! Lots will be going out this week. I have a few new designs to share with you in a few days. One of which will be the "surprise design" ... But I wont be telling you which one it is until the end of the month!
*** New in the shop ***
I will be adding an item to my Etsy shoppe that has had frequent requests. The option to purchase a 20" ball chain to replace the standard 18" ball chain. If you would prefer the 20" chain, all you have to do is add it to your cart, along with your necklace, and you're set!
Happy Wednesday!
out ...
Hi friends! I will be out of touch for the next few days. We have company coming {again} and we will be busy around town! If you have any questions, please email me or visit my etsy page {} where you will be able to send me a message as well. Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend. XOXO
august promo {surprise giveaway} ...
This month I wanted to do something kind of fun. In order to have a chance to win the surprise design {it will be a new, never-before-seen, design!} you must become a fan on my Facebook page {Cristina Ashley Designs}, become a follower on Twitter {CADjewelry}, or become a follower of this blog! Do all 3 and raise your chances :) Winner will be chosen at the end of the month and will be announced on this blog! Stay tuned ...
sweet time ...
My best friend, Jenna, just left after spending 3 days with us. I think she was pretty tired at the end of the trip. She got a glimpse into our everyday life ... Mostly consisting of chasing Kylie everywhere we go! Shopping with Kylie will never be the same now that she knows how to walk. Shopping carts aren't as fun apparently! Jenna was on hand to chase her down every aisle we came across.