
contest ...

I get Parents Magazine in the mail each month. I love it ... The inspiration I get thumbing through each page. I enjoy the crafty kid's projects (although we aren't quite there yet), the creative recipes for kids' snacks, helpful tips for us Moms, etc. I created a file of all the tear-outs that I have gathered over the months. It's fun to go through them every once in a while to get inspired all over again!

My point in sharing this with you is that in one of my quiet afternoons of thumbing through my Parents magazine, I came across a contest ... THE contest. Kylie could be on the cover of the November 2009 issue!!! We submitted our photos yesterday and we are excited to see if we make it to the next round. We are not counting on anything, but it's fun to have something to look forward to. Something silly to be hopeful for :)

So ... Here is a small handful of the photos I took to submit to the magazine.


Hannah Middleton said...

aww, kylie is so adorable! i would definitely pick her! i love you!