
winners for the suprise necklaces ...

Thank you to all who participated in the "want to make someone's day" post! There are quite a few deserving women. I want to make sure they all get them before Christmas, so please e-mail me their address as soon as you get a chance! cristinaashleydesigns@gmail.com.

New jewelry coming tomorrow!!! I promise to be back on a regular blogging schedule with pictures, inspiration, updates, and jewelry ... of course. It has been crazy crazy in our neck of the woods!


Stephanie said...

Hi, call me dumb but how do we know who won and if we need to email you? Thanks and sorry for the probably obvious question:)

*Katie May* said...

Thank You! I know she'll love it!

Joyful Weddings and Events said...

Hey cristina!

I have the same question as stephanie :)


Cristina said...

Hi Ladies! All who have responded so far will have necklaces sent to their friends. There have been 8 women entered and I don't want to just choose 5, so I will send one to all 8 women!!! Thanks for your stories :) They are all very deserving women! Happy Holidays!